Browse Items (4 total)

This project explores the association between lead found in drinking water and the locations of Newark schools.

ICC EJ Tour - Reference Map.pptx.pdf
Drew University students and faculty participated in an environmental justice tour of the Ironbound in 2016. This map was produced in preparation for our trip.

This project explores the relationship between outdoor parks and the prevalence of asthma in Newark, New Jersey, with a focus on environmental justice. By examining data from 2021, the study aims to identify patterns and correlations between the…

Melinna Sanchez Project 3.pdf
This project identifies and maps cooling off facilities in Newark, integrating this data with the Heat Vulnerability Index to assess and address areas of high heat risk. It aims to provide insights into the accessibility and effectiveness of cooling…
Output Formats

atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2