Browse Items (162 total)

This project explores the association between lead found in drinking water and the locations of Newark schools.

This poster illustrates LiDAR returns for San Bruno Mountain State Park, alongside aerial imagery displayed on Google Earth.

JordanL_2022_Research Expo_Template.png
This poster summarizes examples of projects explored in GIS classes on campus.

This project explores temporal and spatial differences in deaths attributed to tornadoes. Using information on the location of tornado tracks since 1950, from the National Weather Service, I compare the line density surfaces for fatalities across 15…

Comparing Tornado Density: Spring Months versus Summer Months over Time

This project explores temporal and spatial differences in tornado track density. Using information on the location of tornado tracks since 1950, from the National Weather Service, we compare the line density surfaces for 1950-1989 and 1990-2014.

Tornadoes are fairly rare events, but tornadoes in New Jersey are particularly rare. This project explores the characteristics of a tornadoes that took places in New Jersey. Between the years 1950-2018, 147 tornadoes were identified. This project…

This project is a stocktaking report and dataset on the production, imports, and exports of U.S. commercial firearms. Our work was the result of research undertaken during the Digital Humanities Summer Institute held at Drew University (2021).

This project explores the photographs and text used in contemporary gun advertising in magazines in comparison to online gun advertising content. This work was presented at the Medical Humanities Symposium held at Drew University.

Vineet - Gun Violence in Schools Project.pptx.pdf
This project explores the connections between schools shootings, live-fire training requirements, and gun ownership.
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