NJDEP GIS Contest Participants

Dublin Core


NJDEP GIS Contest Participants




This collections illustrates Drew University submissions to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection GIS Contest (2014-2024).


Lisa Jordan


Geospatial Data Lab


Drew University




Participants in GIS and Advanced GIS courses

Collection Items

Health and History: How Historical Redlining and Industrial Pollution Impact Contemporary Health Measures, and the Public Interventions Working to Improve Health and Wellbeing in New Jersey
This StoryMap and analysis finds that across HOLC grades and Superfund sites the gaps in outcomes for New Jersey were smaller than for the nation as a whole.

Redlining in New Jersey: Background and Resources for Participatory Storytelling and Mapping Projects
These instructional materials and StoryMap were designed in collaboration with Jonathan Golden's course, CE 275, Allied against Hate, which also collaborated with Hackensack High School. The materials outline how to investigate historical redlining,…

Identifying Natural and Cultural Resources along the New Jersey Pilgrim Pipeline
This collaborative class project involved identifying natural and cultural resources in proximity the the proposed Pilgrim Pipeline. Our work was presented to the Chatham Environmental Commission.

Demographic Data Sources and Web Mapping Applications for New Jersey
This project compares different GIS data sets and applications for population analysis, including LandScan, TerraPop, Population Explorer, and EJ View.

UFO Sightings in the United States
This project explores the association between population density and UFO sightings.

Using GIS to Promote Smokefree Homes and Smokefree Parks for Healthier Communities
This project identifies the locations that offer smokefree multiunit housing, and towns that report policies with smokefree parks.

Drew University - Sustainability Map
This map displays locations associated with campus sustainability projects.

Exploring Food Access in Morris County: Interfaith Food Pantry Utilization and the Changing Needs of the Elderly and Working Poor
In collaboration with the Morris County Interfaith Food Pantry, GIS and Advanced GIS participants explored client distribution and anticipated food access needs.

Analysis of TRI Facilities' Participation in Pollution Prevention (P2) and Decrease in Emissions in New Jersey from 1990-2010
This project examines changes in TRI participation in pollution prevention programs in New Jersey.

From Production to Cleanup: Characteristics of Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Facilities that Become Superfund Sites
This project explores the association between EPA TRI entities and the National Priority List (NPL) Superfund Sites.
View all 20 items