Honors Thesis Research and GIS

Dublin Core


Honors Thesis Research and GIS


honors thesis


This collection displays published honors thesis work from Drew University where GIS was used in the study.


Drew University




thesis examples

Collection Items

A comparison of pollution prevention (P2) programs across the U.S.
This honors thesis explores the policy differences and impacts of state-based approaches to Toxic Releases and incentives for pollution prevention, as mediated through the EPA's Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know regulations.

Colony collapse disorder: an exploration of bee population decline and ways to prevent future losses
This honors thesis explores locational differences in bee population and the impact of colony collapse across states in the U.S.

Advocating for Sustainability in Fast Fashion: Efforts by Nonprofit Organizations
This honors thesis surveys the number, distribution, and goals of non profit organizations, and several state and intergovernmental organizations, working to reduce the environmental impact of fast fashion.

Avian richness and population dynamics in the Drew Forest during the 2023 fall migration
This honors thesis systematically observed and identified bird species on Drew University campus.

Protecting Preimplantation Genetic Testing Patients: A Social Support Perspective
This honors thesis explores the need for support for individuals coping with information from genetic testing while navigating clinical interventions from fertility clinics in the United States.

Evaluating local water: how development affects water quality and dissolved solids in lakes and ponds of Morris County, NJ
This honors thesis examines the impact of land use on water quality of lakes in Morris County, New Jersey.

Thinking outside the box: using alternative food networks to alleviate food insecurity in New York City
This honors thesis explores alternative food networks in New York City that service to reduce food insecurity by provide greater, local access to food.

Flowering phenology: Lemurs, people & climate change
This thesis explores the connection between flowering phenology and lemurs in Ranomafana National Park (RNP), in Madagascar.

The heterogeneous reaction of isoprene and kaolinite
This thesis explores the potential for isoprene to serve as a sink for biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs).

California's Wildfire Problem: The Neglected Role of Class and Housing
This thesis uses GIS and statistical software to examine housing risks for those living in the wildland-urban interface (WUI).
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