Geography and Reproductive Justice

Dublin Core


Geography and Reproductive Justice


geography, GIS, reproductive justice


This collection of items illustrates the way that GIS can be used to explore issues of reproductive justice.


Lisa Jordan


Selected items from the Geospatial Data Lab


Geospatial Data Lab


Assembled May 2024



Collection Items

Safe Haven Locations in Kent County, Rhode Island
This project aims to investigate the health impact of oil processing and distributing facilities on nearby residents. It will focus on understanding the correlation between proximity to these facilities and the incidence of various health issues,…

Crisis Pregnancy Centers within One Mile of Abortion Clinics in NJ
This project identifies the locations of crisis pregnancy centers and abortion clinics in New Jersey, describing the characteristics and differences of the two institutions.

Abortion Clinics in and around Texas
Following the overturn of Roe v. Wade in 2022, abortion clinics in a number of states faced forced closure. This project aimed to identify abortion clinics prior to and after the Supreme Court decision, particularly for the state of Texas and…

Safe Haven Proximity to Planned Parenthoods in New Jersey
This project analyzed the locations of safe havens in proximity to Planned Parenthood locations in New Jersey.

Unpaid Labor: Global trends in women and men's time-use
This project visualizes global data on unpaid work difference between men and women, illustrating disparities.

Access to Resources & Teen Pregnancy in New Jersey
This project visualizes access to reproductive health care and Planned Parenthood locations in New Jersey.
View all 6 items